Home > Classes and Groups

Classes and Groups

Some of these Classes and Clubs have closed or have changed their timings during Covid. Please check with individual groups what they are doing.

Art ClassArt class flowers

Details available from Janet de Vries on 01359 258393


Badwell History Group

We meet at each other's houses when we have information to exchange.

Email Julie Evans for more information julie_evans2579@yahoo.com


Bowls Club08 bowls club wide shot

David Frost 01359 259548

Tuesday, 7:30pm Village Hall

Dog Training Classes 

Wednesday and Thursday evenings 18.30 - 20.30. Contact Jackie and Brenda 07802 832418


Two clubs fish in Badwell Ash. Contact Bury St Edmunds Angling Association.


Four C's - Craft, Cake, Coffee & Chat

The 4 C's Group

A new Group has started in Badwell Ash Village Hall on the 3rd Friday of every month.

Opening hours 10.00 - 12.00 noon

Craft, Coffee, Cake and Chatter

Do come and join us


Gun Clubgun club b

Tony Turp 01359 259547

Email: badwell.clays@tiscali.co.uk

Saturday p.m. Fortnightly, Back Lane

 Silver Ash Club

 Tuesday afternoons at 1.30pm once a fortnight. Contact Angela 01359 258028


Great Ashfield and Badwell Ash WI meet on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 7.30pm in the Lord Thurlow Hall in Great Ashfield.